Thus began my journey into all things New Braunfels, and more specifically, all things along the Comal River. I've been pulling over and shooting whatever catches my eye. A nice view of the river from a bridge, got it. A lonely tuber braving the February chill to take a plunge down the tube chute, got him. A darling white duck in Landa Park, got it. An empty trash boat sitting under a bridge near the last tuber exit, got it.
My lovely assistant (that would be my daughter) and I have walked up and down the Comal repeatedly looking for those little things that catch our eye. We really are lucky to live in such an attractive town. I know it's hard to get around during the summer weekends when everyone and their dog likes to hit the rivers and the streets of my town, but I'm okay with sharing it, as long as they treat it nice. Take only memories and photographs and leave only footprints.
Spring is starting to turn things green again and my calendar is starting to fill up with wildflower sessions even before the flowers have popped up. I'm excited about this assignment and about the emerging spring season. There's so much to look forward to.
Lisa On Location Photography
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