When Jayme started his infrared projects, we didn't envision its use in boudoir photography. At that time it was hard to get a decent exposure without a lot of light. Infrared was mainly an outdoor kind of photography. The sun needed to be high and we needed to photograph inanimate objects because of the long exposure times involved.
But Jayme's skills improved drastically over the next couple of years and we began adding off camera lighting and were finally able to bring the infrared camera indoors -- into the boudoir bedroom so to speak.
These images are a perfect demonstration of the beautiful, creamy appearance to skin that infrared can create. It almost makes these women appear like marble statues, goddesses if you will.
These are some of the lovely models we've worked with over the years to create these unique infrared boudoir images.

Lisa On Location Photography
Greek goddesses, huh. I would worship them. ;-)