I'm their official photographer and they're my official lingerie store for Secrets by Miss Lisa, my boudoir division.
I've photographed countless fashion shows and ads for them.
Donna, the owner of Perfect Peacock, has always been a strong advocate for using real women with real curves in her advertising, just like I have been in my boudoir work.
Yesterday we met up at the Guadalupe River with her newest real life model. A gorgeous mother of five children.
It was a bit cool when we started, but it warmed up real fast.
These swimsuits are so gorgeous and they're made to look nice on so many different body types. I think I found the one I'll be wearing to the pool this year among them.
Take a look at these stunning suits and then stop by The Perky Peacock at 173 S Seguin Ave where she'll have these and a lot more.

Lisa On Location Photography
FANTASTIC JOB BY BOTH YOU AND NIKKI! I cannot thank you enough. This is by far my favorite photo shoot. I love all the pictures