I end up moving all of those to my "behind the scenes" file on my hard drive. I just can't bring myself to delete them because some of them are fun. They're a little slice of my life. Today I've decided to share with you some fun moments in that super secret spot on my hard drive.
This is a fun image taken by my second, Laura, at a wedding we worked with some of the funnest and most talented videographers in the world, Stella Haus Productions.

It looks like Dana was taking a selfie, Audrey was a little bored or tired at the moment, and I was offering gum all around. Must have been right after dinner. Here's another from that evening. I don't think Dana wanted me to photograph her.

This one is fun too. A deer made her presence known during a wedding ceremony near Boerne last spring. She was a little too friendly.

These are a few of my wonderful second helping me do a light check. She's such a good sport.

One of my assistants, Yali, even braved a dental chair for me during a session for Dr. Crowe's new brochure.

Sometimes I catch my second taking a break. She hates it when I do that.

So she returns the favor for me.

Sometimes I even get my favorite DJ to help out, here's Fran from Northern Lights.

My daughters are such great little helpers for me. Even if they aren't always thrilled about helping me.

Yes, I did make my girl get in the water to help with that underwater trash the dress! But I'm not the only one shooting on these sessions. Sometimes my darling clients take photos of me while I'm working.
Or my sweet assistant helping out.
We were doing a drag racing car themed shoot in that one. In this one, I'm on the ground doing the underside of a huddle shot. The bride put on a Chicago Bears jersey and her family had jerseys as well. We were actually at Soldier Stadium for this one.

Here's one of me when the Spurs Coyote made an appearance at a wedding. That was a fun one.

And it wouldn't be a party without a photo booth right? We have fun with those when we can also.

Sometimes my fellow photographers like to try to photobomb me when we're out on location. Here's my friend Chrystina Straughan from Straughan Photography popping in on a bridal.

She's fun at bridal fairs and open houses and workshops too.

Being a wedding photographer is a lot of work, but it's obviously a lot of fun too. I'm glad we can capture some of these moments for each other. It feels good to wake up every day doing what you love to do. Can't wait for the next photobomb, or random deer, or coyote, or whatever my clients want to throw my way.
Lisa On Location Photography
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