"Dear Lisa, I just wanted to thank you for your exceptional service. You have been so kind and accommodating throughout all three shoots. Your artistic talent is beyond compare and that you are also kind and understanding makes you a gem! I thank you and your husband for making Candace and Adams wedding run smooth, and for making it such a special day. God has given you such a wonderful talent and we are honored that you have shared it with us. Rest assured I will do my best to direct others to your door. Can't wait to see the pictures! Thank you again"
Isn't that awesome! That was a truly amazing wedding. I just love it when I get to spend so much time with my client families and get to know them so well. We did get to spend some time together. Candace brought her family to her engagement and her bridal session and we all had a lot of fun. And when the whole family works together and supports their bride, we can get some really fun images. Take a look at these:
Candace's grandma -- one of the nicest funnest grandmas I've met -- helped arrange the plane for those photos.

Her bridal session was just as much fun -- despite being in the 90s.

The wedding was a huge all day affair. I'm not going to lie, I was exhausted at the end of the day. But it was totally worth it. We got some fun images and I really enjoyed spending more time with this family.

Lisa On Location Photography
Ok, so I jumped over here from FB and I have to agree...these are stunning. I'm a real fan of "crisp" pictures and these deliver. The color....composition...all very well done. Really nice job.