The only drawback was the drive to Dallas, but she and her fiance were so worth it. Luckily I happened to be in Dallas in early May for the Texas School of Photography -- a week-long learning cram session that taught me so much about thinking more creatively with my lighting. While I was in the big D-town Coryanne was happy to let me play a bit with my strobes to create some unique images for her bridal session at the Museum of Biblical Art. It's a gloriously beautiful building full of amazing and priceless works of art. But Coryanne proved to be even more beautiful than the artwork.

I'm so excited to finally be able to share these images with you. I had to set this blog to go live right after the start time of the ceremony so that neither the groom nor anyone else could get a peek at Coryanne's wedding dress until she walks down the aisle.

Coryanne's session has a different feel to it than many of my previous sessions. I feel like I've matured as a photographer and I've finally broken out of my comfort zone a bit with off camera lighting. In the past I had used it sporadically and found that I'd loved what I photographed, but still didn't grasp the details. Now I can look back and say this was the first in a series of sessions at which I challenged myself to break away from the old standard and set a new standard for myself.
Thanks so much for trusting me Coryanne! I can't wait to show you what I capture from the big day itself!

Lisa On Location Photography
Coryanne may you and your husband have a wonderful and successful marriage...always cherish and protect the precious gift Almighty God has given you - "each other"...I really loved the photos... the poses and the lighting was absolutely refreshing...great job Lisa!!!